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Visual Meeting Facilitation Workshop with David Sibbet

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

’ The book was an inspiration and encouragement for those us whose inner critics have been keeping us away from using the technique in front of other people. The book offers a wonderful road map for a learning journey to internalize these techniques and I’ve practicing a lot.

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Presentation Zen Blog: A Resource Review

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

All the technique, training, and "PowerPoint" tricks are useless if the talk doesn't come from your gut, from your heart and soul. My process is analog, but I have to start with a mind map of the ideas (sometimes several versions of it), then do a linear outline, and finally sketch out a storyboard with image ideas.

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In Search of Bachelors and Philanthropy in Rural Alaska and Video Story Capture Tips

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

I use a technique I learned from Jay Dedman called “Moment Capture&# where you get the most enlightening snippet. I usually reserve video capture for a special story or moment that absolutely can’t be told with text. If the latter, I have a storyboard in my head and edit as I go.

Alaska 94