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Content Management Systems are an essential part of the communications function of nonprofit organizations. There are a myriad of options, opensource options are among the most popular, possibly the most popular. And there are opensource options that can do much of the same work for much less money.
Jerry and I had a great conversation about opensourcing of agricultural scientific models, such as those used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their climate change reports. agriculture CIMSANS climate change CSR food security Gerald Nelson open data opensource SocialCoding4Good'
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology SaaS vs. OpenSource September 24, 2008 I just finished writing a post for the Idealware blog about choosing SaaS vs. Opensource. From my perspective, the key is openness.
Venture capitalists are liking opensource more and more. More $ toward opensource is a tide that lifts all boats. Interestingly enough, lots of developing world countries voted against it. There’s lots of great details on Groklaw. Why do we nptechies care?
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Movable Type goes OpenSource December 13, 2007 This is old news, sort of. Yesterday, they finally released it. I’m liking Six Apart more and more these days.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology The power of opensource VOIP December 18, 2007 Today seems to be Asterisk day. Asterisk is the opensource PBX application that works by using VOIP. What is Asterisk, you ask?
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and OpenSource Tool #13: Flock March 9, 2008 I’m running behind, so I need to catch up in the next week or so. These posts on opensource applications are so helpful.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #12: Miro February 26, 2008 Miro used to be called “Democracy Player&#. Miro is basically a video player, which can recognize RSS feeds, and automatically download videos.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #15: MPower Open CRM April 14, 2008 I am so far behind, it’s not funny. What’s new about MPower is that it has very recently been released as opensource.
Mpower Open, the vendor who took their high-end CRM/DMS product, MPX , opensource last year, has adopted a new name, Orange Leap. The combination of Orange Leap and The Guru are a web-based CRM/DMS and reporting system aimed squarely at and Convio Common Ground.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and OpenSource tool #14: SugarCRM March 27, 2008 Since I’ve been covering CRMs for the webinar today, I figured I’d switch categories on my free and opensource software list.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology OpenSource CRMs – people like them? There were 6 opensource (or sort of opensource) tools that showed up on this survey. That’s pretty impressive.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and OpenSource Tool #16: CiviCRM April 21, 2008 In honor of the webinar that is happening in a couple of weeks, I figured I’d talk a bit about CiviCRM.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #1: Thunderbird January 3, 2008 Before the holidays, I promised that I’d do 100 posts this year on free and opensource tools.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #3: Dokuwiki January 15, 2008 I have become a fan, nay, a devotee of DokuWiki. But I’m converting my tech wiki to from MediaWiki to DokuWiki.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Opensource your Open Social Apps? Which lead me to think about the idea of opensourcing OpenSocial apps. Anyone interested? Maybe this is the use for!
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #8:XChat February 5, 2008 This is, really a post both about a tool ( XChat ) and about IRC (Internet Relay Chat.) XChat is one of quite a few IRC clients. I use IRC every day.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #2: Limesurvey January 4, 2008 I am in the process of writing a survey for NOSI, which you will hear all about next week. Limesurvey is actually quite powerful.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #9 : Pidgin February 5, 2008 While I’m on the subject of chat, I figured I could talk about Pidgin. Pidgin is a multiprotocol IM (Instant Messenger) client.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #5: WordPress January 24, 2008 It seems like a good day to talk about WordPress. Here is yet another amazing free and opensource tool getting a lot of good attention.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology The “OpenSource Software is Free&# myth July 14, 2008 I had a startling realization a few days ago. No one would think that anyone thought that implementing opensource software was without cost.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #7: Firefox January 31, 2008 This almost feels like cheating, talking about Firefox.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #10: Filezilla February 7, 2008 I decided that most of the tools I’ve been talking about so far (except WordPress and Joomla) are internet clients for one type of protocol or another.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and OpenSource Tool #11: Azureus February 15, 2008 Azureus (now called Azureus Vuze) is the best bittorrent client I have ever used. It’s quite amazing. It’s got a lot under the hood.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology So where is opensource in the nptech ecosystem? at 9:57 pm Hey Michelle- I think that the conversations about opensource technology in the nonprofit sector is really still beginning.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tools #1 – #100 January 17, 2008 I just though I’d take a brief pause to explain my criteria for these 100 tools that I’ll be covering this year.
Send queries to nonprofit tech lists for experiences and information, like nosi-discussion , nten-discuss , riders-tech , and others. Or you’re just curious about projects you’ve heard about. Google it – you might find articles and reviews that might be helpful Try it out.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #4: GIMP January 17, 2008 GIMP stands for Gnu Image Manipulation Program.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology How not to treat an opensource user community October 4, 2007 I’ve been using activeCollab for a few months now. to develop opensource software. at 2:40 pm That’s sad.
We often get asked this question: What is the best content management system (CMS) for association websites? The dirty little secret of website development today is that nearly all content management systems in the market will meet nearly all of any organization’s requirements. Does your IT department require a specific tech stack?
We often get asked this question: What is the best content management system (CMS) for association websites? The dirty little secret of website development today is that nearly all content management systems in the market will meet nearly all of any organization’s requirements. Does your IT department require a specific tech stack?
Based on my informal assessment of attitudes and interest in the NTEN community about opensource software, I think there's a significant and growing number of folks and organizations who are either interested in, already using, or even evangelizing opensource solutions.
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Free and opensource tool #6: Joomla! I’ll mention the other FOSS CMS systems in other posts. I’ll be migrating my main consulting site over to it quite soon.
Now, as a successful tech entrepreneur, I’ve benefited from California’s incredible venture machine, which creates immense value for individuals and for society. To the greatest extent possible, be open. Support open data, open access to research, open content and opensource.
Please sign up for Nonprofit Tech for Good’s email newsletter to be alerted of new posts. Use a top-rated Content Management System (CMS). Released in 2003, WordPress is open-source software and free to use and fully-customizable using WordPress themes and plug-ins.
OpenSource Training Management System: Why Us? Why is Gyrus Systems the best OpenSource Training Management System? Gyrus Systems is an award-winning LMS platform that can satisfactorily meet the demands of the proactive workforce. The work demands have become more complex and dynamic.
OpenSource Training Management System: Why Us? Why is Gyrus Systems the best OpenSource Training Management System? Gyrus Systems is an award-winning LMS platform that can satisfactorily meet the demands of the proactive workforce. The work demands have become more complex and dynamic.
Since then, the platform (which is opensource ) has been modified for use in South Africa (mapping xenophobic violence), DR Congo , Vote Report India (to monitor the recent local elections) and more. This system allows families to search through images taken post-earthquake in Haiti, and specify certain characteristics.
Why Is Gyrus Systems The Best Open-Source Training Management System? Gyrus Systems Gyrus Systems - Best Online Learning Management Systems The demand for efficient training platforms is very much evident, especially in a professional space. compared to previous times.
Web3 is a new version of the internet that uses blockchain (IE a secure but transparent record keeping system) to decentralize the management of the internet, thus reducing the control of prominent companies such as Google or Meta. Web3 draws its name as the third iteration of the internet.
Tendenci Released as OpenSource by Schipul. Schipul, a web marketing agency based in Houston, Texas, announced yesterday during the 2012 South by Southwest Interactive festival that Tendenci, a content management system (CMS) will be released as an opensource solution. Tech Talk at SXSW.
Enter the Content Management System (CMS), the standard in website design protocol that allows site owners and managers the ability to update often and easily. For open-source options, perhaps the most well known operating today is WordPress, free for its basic version and still very affordable if you choose to upgrade features.
It doesn’t help organizations bridge the huge data and workflow gap present between their traditional CRM/Donation management systems and their social media interactions. How about lowering the costs of software by using opensource and collaboratively developing software? It’s hype designed to sell things.
We found, and have chosen to use Redmine for our project management/ticketing system. You can think of it as a multi-project version of Trac , which is a fabulous ticketing/wiki system that we were initially going to go with. Like Basecamp, Redmine has document storage and messaging systems.
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