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NTEN's Ask the Expert With Seth Godin: My Notes and Takeaways

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Yesterday, NTEN;s Holly Ross hosted an online conversation with Seth Godin and me, along with Roxy Allen and 100 plus NTEN members. In turn, I suggested that we have a conversation with the nonprofit technology community with Holly Ross at NTEN as host. Tags: nten. This conversation took place yesterday.

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Screencast: Using Widgets to Build Community on Blogs Featured on NTEN Blog

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Original photo remixed from flickr photo by Stinky Peter Screencast in conjunction with NTEN View the screencast as higher quality flash file -takes longer to download here. My screencast on widgets is featured in this month's NTEN newsletter in a section pointing to " How To Build Online Community." I'm so excited!

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Things We Like (October 2008)


If you watch Colbert , you've probably already been to FiveThirtyEight , an in-depth poll aggregation site. Now your entire org can benefit from tools like "Mail Goggles", which promises to stop you from sending regrettable e-mails after a couple of drinks. Pumpkin cookies ! Mercy Corps' Action Center to End World Hunger.

Hunger 36