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Wiring the Green Movement for Earth Day

Amy Sample Ward

I wanted to use today to focus in on a question recently posed by my good friend Joe Solomon on Twitter : What are the nonprofit/orgs that are working 2 wire the green movement, like what @ netsquared does 4 nonprofits, @ sunfoundation for politics; which orgs are working to expose data, leverage soc media, connect the orgs together?

Green 102
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NpTechTag Summary: Connected Conversations, Live Blogging, and Other Great Finds

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Michelle Martin writes about her experience as a non-technical programmer creating mashups with some new user-friendly tools. After a brief hiatus from blogging, the studio 501c blog with some great advice for nonprofits on how to explore org.20 Cross posted at Netsquared 20 practices. Need a chuckle?

Summary 50
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Joe Solomon, Guest Post: What's the Right Offline Event for Your Organization's Online Community?

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

org Actions " We're coordinating a distributed day of events for 24 October 2009 , uniting the world around a common call to action--and we're asking you to help. org model enables any individual or organization around the world to create and promote events ("actions") - with a call to action for a fair global climate treaty.

Offline 88