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E-Mediat: Day 2 – The Networked NGO in the Arab World

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

We spent Day 2 of the E-Mediat Train the Trainer sessions on “ Translating The Networked NGO in the Arab World.&# To localize Networked Nonprofit concepts to an Arab NGO context, as appropriate, for improved project outcomes. The specific learning objectives: To understand the principles of “being” a Networked Nonprofit.

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E-Mediat: Reflections from the Conference in Fez, Morocco

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Both conference marked the end of an 18-month capacity building program that trained more than 220 NGOs in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia on how to use social media effectively to advance civil society goals. In Jordan, we did the Debka, a Lebanese dance. Group Photo with Certificates. Quiet Reflection: Socoot.

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E-Mediat Day 1: A Networked Mindset To Capacity Building

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

The group has an impressive breadth and depth of expertise, including NGO capacity building, social media expertise and training design and delivery. In the morning, we did a team building exercise to better understand the network core, the in-country teams from Yemen, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Jordan.

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