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Reduce Travel by Telecommuting

Tech Soup

Telecommuting or telework allows employees and volunteers to work from home or in a remote location and still be in touch with their office. US workers alone commute an average of 10,000 miles per year each and consume 67 billion gallons of gasoline. For more info on Voice over IP and other ICT options check out: read more.

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What Does Big Data Have to Do With Me and My Organization?

Tech Soup

Grameen has a team of community knowledge workers who go out in the fields of Uganda and collect agricultural information on their mobile devices. apps help volunteers identify and map useful social media data by breaking down larger, more complicated analytical tasks into small, easily completed microtasks. MicroMappers.

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Building The Nonprofit Board of Your Dreams: A Deep Dive Into Peter Drucker’s Insights


It involves everyone in the organization, from the CEO and the board’s executive committee to every staff member and volunteer. Embrace knowledge as power Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker” to highlight the role of continuous learning and data-informed decision-making in organizational success.

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