Wild Apricot Blog : A beginners guide to Facebook for non-profits
Wild Apricot
MAY 23, 2007
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 17, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Web 2.0 Experiments, snafus and stumbles December 17, 2007 I seem to have lost my head. Really. I was all curmudgeonly until last week, when I started tweeting and got into Spock. You know why I started to twitter. Ages and ages ago, when Spock was still in private beta, I got an invite, and used it.
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Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
MARCH 31, 2007
The big celebration was also in the Sheldonian: the 2007 Awards for Social Entrepreneurship. And it was exciting! Below, I have picked a few select photos: the rest are on my Flickr page. Salman Ahmed got the crowd pumping as before, and then we met our four rockstar presenters (well, at least one is literally a rock star, and the other three have a pretty good claim to the status): Jeff Skoll, Peter Gabriel, Sally Osberg and Muhammad Yunus.
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media
DECEMBER 20, 2007
Twitter reflections and insights have been the air. Chris Brogan's post says, " Twitter has changed my life." I might also say that Chris's life changing experience on Twitter has had a ripple effect on two young Cambodian college students, Leng Sopharath and Champerom. Chris and 81 people (several who are mentioned below) helped send these two young people to college with Twitter.
Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand
Do you really know your donors? Not just what they give, but who they are? 👥 In this interactive session, we’ll break down how nonprofits can use behavioral indicators (affinity, recency, frequency, and monetary value) to build prospecting segments that go beyond wealth screening and actually align with donor identity. You’ll walk away with practical strategies to move beyond basic demographics and cultivate supporters based on how they already engage with you!
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
NOVEMBER 1, 2007
Nonprofit Technology brings together the best content for nonprofit technical enthusiasts from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Have Fun - Do Good
NOVEMBER 8, 2007
According to the CCNMoney.com article, Splurges Will Be Scarce This Holiday Season : "Americans will spend an average of $923.36 on holiday gifts, which includes $106.67 on me-too purchases, which are the impulse buys that people make for themselves while they're shopping for gifts. This is up a moderate 3.7 percent from last year, according to NRF's 2007 Holiday Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey.
JANUARY 25, 2007
Home • About Us Mission Team News Partners Careers • Services Overview Interactive Marketing Video Web Design and Development • Clients Clients List Client Login • Resources Overview Events YouTube for Nonprofits Guide to Online Video Video FAQs Our Blog • Contact POSTED BY Michael Hoffman JAN 25, 2007 Art in New York People love our See3 logo.
Wild Apricot
AUGUST 16, 2007
Speaker: Jennifer Hill
Payroll compliance is a cornerstone of business success, yet for small and midsize businesses, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of federal, state, and local regulations. Mistakes can lead to costly penalties and operational disruptions, making it essential to adopt advanced solutions that ensure accuracy and efficiency.
Wild Apricot
JUNE 5, 2007
Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
DECEMBER 30, 2007
I'm excited about our growing partnership with the American Foundation for the Blind, the leading foundation focused on blindness issues. One thing we just did was to fill in the last few missing titles on AFB's Braillebug Reading Club. The Braillebug web site is dedicated to promoting Braille to students who could benefit from learning Braille. Now, we have all of these recommended children's books for Braille readers on Bookshare.org in excellent quality.
Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
DECEMBER 29, 2007
Benetech was recently featured in a report to the President (of the U.S.) on small business. There was a chapter in the report entitled Social Entrepreneurship and Government, and Benetech was one of the case studies used (see pages 36-37). Author Andrew Wolk, a Senior Lecturer at MIT on Social Entrepreneurship, focused much of his discussion around the concept of how social enterprises were a socially useful response to market failure.
Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
DECEMBER 24, 2007
One of the most important gifts I'm celebrating this holiday season are the things I didn't get: many, many pounds of junk mail catalogs, many of them duplicates. And, it's accomplished through a great social venture: GreenDimes , whose motto is Stop Junk Mail. Save Trees and Help the Environment Greendimes automates the process of taking yourself off of mailing lists with a simple web application.
Managing HR tasks like payroll, compliance, and employee data can overwhelm small businesses. That’s where a Human Capital Management (HCM) solution comes in. Our eBook, Why Every Small Business Needs an HCM Solution: A Comprehensive Guide , shows how an HCM system automates tedious processes, ensuring your business stays compliant and efficient. You’ll learn how to simplify payroll, eliminate costly errors, and empower your employees with self-service tools.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 20, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Last minute tidbits December 20, 2007 This will be my last post of 2007 – I’m taking some days off from work and blogging, and won’t return until the beginning of the year. First, links for the day: High Tech Trash – it’s an in depth photo essay and interactive feature on the National Geographic website.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 18, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology The power of open source VOIP December 18, 2007 Today seems to be Asterisk day. What is Asterisk, you ask? Asterisk is the open source PBX application that works by using VOIP. It rocks. I wrote a case study about it in the NOSI primer – it can allow for really great flexibility in building phone systems.
Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
DECEMBER 16, 2007
Interspersed with all of my day job work (spending half my time on Bookshare.org for Education right now), I get to have exciting meetings with social entrepreneurs with incredible ideas. Last week, I had three of those meetings! Here's the first one: My very first ever angel investor, Sheldon Breiner, contacted me on short notice to ask if I wanted to have dinner and a brainstorm with Winnie Hallwachs and Dan Janzen , a pair of U Penn professors with a dream: a handheld barcode reader for life.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 14, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology What was it, the question mark? December 14, 2007 I feel misunderstood. Earlier this week, I wrote a post on about the NTEN CRM satisfaction survey. I’ve now seen two posts (one from David Gielhufe , and one from Lobo of CiviCRM ) suggesting that I dismissed the extremely positive results for the open source CRM tools (particularly CiviCRM) because the sample
Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand
Is your organization ready to build a recurring giving program that not only sustains but also propels your mission forward? 🚀 In this new webinar with industry visionary Tim Sarrantonio, we’ll guide you through the critical steps to establishing and scaling a successful recurring giving program. Whether you’re starting fresh or enhancing an existing program, this session will provide the strategies you need to deepen donor relationships and secure long-term support!
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 13, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Movable Type goes Open Source December 13, 2007 This is old news, sort of. A ways back, Six Apart promised that it would open source MovableType , their flagship software product, and the software that underlies their TypePad service.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 12, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Open Source CRMs – people like them? December 12, 2007 I had a good look at NTEN’s CRM Satisfaction Survey (yippee for data!), and although the sample sizes were small, and not representative of the nonprofit sector as a whole, the people surveyed seemed to like the open source tools available.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 10, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology LinkedIn suits up December 10, 2007 LinkedIn, the serious MBA wielding brother to the Facebook fratboy and the MySpace rockergrrl, is really putting on the suit now. They’ve included some new features like a new personal homepage with things like “Company Updates&# – news about your company, and other business-friendly features.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 7, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Why I’m twittering December 7, 2007 Yes, it’s hard to believe. I succumbed. I have said many times that I wouldn’t Twitter. I’ve critiqued Twitter and social networks in general. So what’s the story?
Speaker: Andrew Olsen, CFRE - EVP, Fundraising Solutions at DickersonBakker | Kat Landa, CFRE, CSD - SVP, Talent Solutions at DickersonBakker
Across the nonprofit sector, organizations invest heavily in donor retention efforts, yet the struggle of cultivating lasting relationships remains. While attracting new donors is crucial, the lack of repeat donors poses significant financial risks. Through a comprehensive analysis of industry data, experts argue that there is a direct correlation between donor burnout, donor retention, and the talent retention crisis.
Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
DECEMBER 5, 2007
I've been a long-time subscriber to Dave Farber's IP list (for Interesting People). I frequently see comments from Lauren Weinstein's blog. He writes very well, and is a frequent critic of high tech companies on privacy issues. This week there was a great post, Lauren Weinstein's Blog: For Google and Others, Few Good Deeds Go Unpunished, where Lauren gave a very interesting and even somewhat sympathetic analysis of Google.
Beneblog: Technology Meets Society
DECEMBER 2, 2007
Confronting failure is tough. There's a tendency to bury failure and hide it. In the for-profit sector, failure tends to be pretty obvious. You know how well an investment firm is doing because they have to publish their numbers. A tech company that bombs is quickly recognized as such. The social sector is well known for being risk averse, and this creates incentives to only discuss successes (or to portray borderline or failing efforts as successful).
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
DECEMBER 1, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology Open content business models December 1, 2007 I’m at the Open Translation event, and we’ve just had a great session on open content business models. It was very useful, and interesting, and gave me lots of food for thought.
Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology
NOVEMBER 30, 2007
Home About Me Subscribe Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology Thoughtful and sometimes snarky perspectives on nonprofit technology What I’m learning November 30, 2007 It’s been mostly fun so far at the Open Translation event here in Zagreb. I’ll leave the complaining about Croatian food and other things to my personal blog, when I get the time.
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