Cuba is getting a crash course in internet culture — and it’s changing everything
Digital Trends
AUGUST 9, 2020
Those changes have had both positive and negative effects.
Digital Trends
AUGUST 9, 2020
Those changes have had both positive and negative effects.
DECEMBER 31, 2020
Chosen by the people at the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, the images include Cuba and the Bahamas, the fall colors of Ottawa, and moonrise over the southern Atlantic Ocean. You can see more photos taken from the ISS here.
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Digital Trends
JANUARY 7, 2021
It's also set in an island country similar to Cuba and will deliver guerrilla warfare. Far Cry 6 is launching in 2021 with a cast led by Giancarlo Esposito.
The Verge
JANUARY 23, 2021
Not, ‘What about Geneva or Cuba?’ He proudly claimed he didn’t prepare for his interviews, which often had an impromptu feeling to them. “I I don’t pretend to know it all,” King told the Associated Press in a 1995 interview. I ask, ‘Mr. President, what don’t you like about this job?’ Or ‘What’s the biggest mistake you made?’
Nonprofit Tech for Good
MARCH 2, 2010
Now would be a good time for some nonprofits to expand their Facebook Page use beyond a having Page for their organization ( Latin America Working Group ) to also creating a Facebook Page(s) for a campaign ( End the Travel Ban on Cuba ). LAWG has had much more success with their campaign Facebook Page, than their organizational Page.
Robert Weiner
OCTOBER 31, 2012
Another lame LinkedIn series had subjects like "Yetta is now part of your network. Keep connecting." and the text: robert, Congratulations! You and Yetta are now connected. Yetta Schumacher (clicking on the name leads to an infected site.). --. Your coupon code is toronto. How to use a coupon or discount code.
Digital Trends
JULY 13, 2020
Ubisoft promised guerrilla warfare, an island nation similar to Cuba, and more.
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