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Women Who Tech Telesummit

Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology

Tags: Technology Zen. Women and Open Source and Identity. They are also hosting after Parties in DC, NYC and SF so come on out!

Tech 181
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Ponzi's Coverage of Blogher.

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Ponzi has posted her coverage of the Blogher Conference. Technorati Tags: blogher

Blogher 50

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Afternoon Blogher Buzz

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

This group of bloghers was having an animated conversation in the hall after lunch. That was the biggest buzz in the halls at Blogher. Technorati Tags: blogher. It turns out that they all read each other, but never had a chance to meet face-to-face. Jade Li from Weblogs, Inc and Lynda Keeler from

Blogher 50
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Marc Canter at Blogher

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Why did you come to blogher? What's it like to be a man at blogher? Technorati Tags: blogher bloghercon The Canter name was originally Canterosky, but had to be shortened. The Brit translation changed the spelling to be like the city of Canterbury. There's lots of famous Canters -- Eddie Canter, Canter's Deli in LA, etc.

Blogher 50
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JD Lasica's Video Interviews from Blogher

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

By chance, I stumbled upon these interviews from JD Lasica of people he interviewed at Blogher. Technorati Tags: blogher bloghercon This was while I was learning how to use for publishing my vlog posts for Cambodia4kids using the fantastic tutorials from

Blogher 50
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The Hands That Created the Blogher Logo

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

Look at these gorgeous rings and bracelets, but more importantly these are the hands that created the Blogher Logo! Technorati Tags: blogher

Blogher 50
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November 15th Cambridge, MA Blogher Meetup

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

When I saw that the speaker list at the upcoming Symposium on Social Architecture co-hosted by the Berkman Center and Corante had a number of bloghers including one of the blogher orignators, Lisa Stone. it lead to a Cambridge, MA blogher meetup in Harvard Square! Technorati Tags: blogher Here's the details.

Blogher 50